
Just My Socks 搬瓦工机场 - 最新套餐整合与选购建议



对于大多数人来说,选择美国LA套餐是最合适的(尤其是电信用户),有美国CN2 GIA/GT、欧洲荷兰CN2 GIA、日本软银和10倍的S801下载专线(只计算10%的流量)。根据流量需求从美国LA500/1000/5000中选择。美国LA共有6个线路:
第一条s1:电信CN2 GT,联通移动直连。
第二条s2:电信CN2 GT,联通移动直连。
第三条s3:三网CN2 GIA线路。
第五条s5:三网荷兰CN2 GIA回程优化。


日本东京100/500:三网都是CN2 GIA线路。

如果你追求低延迟的体验,可以选择香港CN2 GIA和IPLC套餐,这是速度最快的,日本东京CN2 GIA次之。





套餐 流量 带宽 线路 设备限制 立即购买
美国LA500 500G/月 2.5 Gbps CN2 GIA 限5台 立即购买
美国LA1000 1000G/月 5 Gbps CN2 GIA 不  限 立即购买
美国LA5000 5000G/月 5 Gbps CN2 GIA 不  限 立即购买
英国伦敦500 500G/月 2.5 Gbps CN2 GIA 限5台 立即购买
英国伦敦1000 1000G/月 5 Gbps CN2 GIA 不  限 立即购买
日本东京100 100G/月 100 Mbps CN2 GIA 限3台 立即购买
日本东京500 500G/月 200 Mbps CN2 GIA 限5台 立即购买
香港CMI+NTT500 500G/月 2.5 Gbps CMI+NTT 限5台 立即购买
香港100 100G/月 100 Mbps CN2 GIA 限3台 立即购买
香港500 500G/月 500 Mbps CN2 GIA 限5台 立即购买
香港1000 1000G/月 1 Gbps CN2 GIA 不  限 立即购买
香港IPLC100 100G/月 100 Mbps IPLC 限3台 立即购买
香港IPLC300 300G/月 300 Mbps IPLC 限3台 立即购买


Which server IP should I use?

Hong Kong
In Hong Kong, all 5 IPs have the same routing:
Outbound (from us to you): CN2 GIA for China Telecom destinations; China Unicom and China Mobile direct.
Inbound (from you to us): symmetric to Outbound: CN2 GIA direct for China Telecom; China Unicom and China Mobile direct.

In Tokyo, all 5 IPs have the same routing:
Outbound (from us to you): CN2 GIA for all 3 carriers (CM, CU, CT)
Inbound (from you to us): CN2 GIA for CT, and NTT for CM and CU. We are working on adding direct inbound routes for CU and CM, however note that inbound routing does not affect data transfer rates all that much; it is the outbound routing that matters to clients, and our outbound route in Tokyo is 100% CN2 GIA for all 3 carriers (CM, CU, CT).

In London, all 5 IPs have the same routing:
Outbound (from us to you): China Unicom Premium for all 3 carriers (CM, CU, CT)
Inbound (from you to us): China Unicom Premium for CU and CT, and Level3 for CM.

Los Angeles
We provide you with 5 IPs which have slightly different routing:
cXs1 and cXs2 are routed via CN2 GT network with additional China Unicom and China Mobile direct connectivity. We use multiple CN2 GT datacenters, so both servers are not routed equally to ensure maximum resiliency.
Server cXs3 is routed via CN2 GIA network provided by China Telecom
Server cXs4 uses our Osaka Softbank (Japan) POP
Server cXs5 uses our Netherlands POP with CN2 GIA support for all 3 carriers (CU/CM/CT) on return path

Depending on your provider (CT, CU, CM) you may see different connection speeds using different servers, so we recommend trying out each server to see which one works best for you.

Please see your service information page to see detailed configuration of each server and pick the one that works best for you.

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